Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Potty Trained??...almost

Big news in our household that I just had to share!! Ava is close to being potty-trained. She peed in the potty 6 times yesterday! And twice so far today! We're not having as much luck with the #2's...but we're working on it.
She has the routine down....she pees in the potty, gets to flush the toilet, gets to wash her hands and then she gets one M&M! Yes, I'm bribing my kid with candy, but it works! And the cutest thing of all is that she calls M&M's "Gramma Ems". :)
Woohoo Ava!!!


  1. Way to go Ava! And Heidi...sometimes bribes are needed:)

  2. your kids are way too cute! thanks for the updates:)

  3. M&M's are the way to do it. Sydney wanted the 'baby' M&M's. She called them num-i-nums. Isn't it great having her potty trained? It saves a lot of money and their clothes fit them better. Your kids are cute!
