Monday, November 16, 2009

Cookies & Grandpa Gary

I'm playing catch-up on the blog here... We frosted "fallish" cookies in September. The girls seriously ate so many cookies and so much frosting, it was disgusting. And no, Jason had nothing to do with the cookie-making was me and Sara. We had fun though....that's a vodka-orange juice you see in the picture and I was drinking a bloody mary. Good times for us, good times for the kids :)
Aren't they cute? You can see Ava's
pumpkins in the top right corner :)
These pictures are from back in August. I know, I know... They are so cute though, I had to share them. Grandpa Gary rode out here on his bike in August. It was just him and he only stayed 2 days, but we were very happy to see him....especially the girls. They just LOVE their Grandpa Gary.
Ava & the lovely Cindy riding on Grandpa's back!
Grandpa Gary always gives the girls change to put in their piggy banks.
Ava takes the job very seriously.
Exciting things coming up.... well, exciting for us! My mom is coming out in December for a visit! YAYYYYY!! And possibly Auntie Lori too! And possibly Grandpa Gary and Grandma Lu! We're staying here for the holidays this year, which is a change from what we normally do. I know that I am going to miss Minnesota, especially during Christmas time, but it's really hard to travel with the girls these days. Sara (aka Artie) is moving back to Minnesota before Christmas....*tear*... I am going to miss her so much :( And the girls are going to miss their Artie so much too.

Monday, November 2, 2009