Sunday, July 11, 2010

Myhre's Visit

The girls are so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents.
Grandma Lu and Grandpa Gary drove out for a visit the end of June. The girls just thrive when they're here and we wish they could come out every month!
Annabelle still gives the biggest grins when the camera comes out.
This is her saying, "cheeeeeeeeeese". Ava reading her new book, "I Love You Stinky Face" with Grandpa Gary. Filling up the pool is hard work.
On a hike with Grandma Lu.
Annabelle is definitely getting way too heavy to be carried on my back!!
Having a picnic.....PB&J and blueberries. YUM.
Stop to smell the roses, Annabelle.
Who wants to visit next??!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We're Still Here!

Yes, we are still here. This blog isn't a complete failure yet, but almost, I know.
We are finally enjoying our summer. It rained every day this spring and finally got sunny at the end of June. Ok, so I really don't have time to write much now (going on a hike)....
but thought I'd let you all know that I'll try to do better :)
Here a few pictures taken yesterday.
We went out on the boat yesterday. Ava was in heaven. See that big black cloud behind Ava?
We got POURED on. Poor babies... they were huddled up under the bow of the boat freezing their little buns off. Memories, huh? Ava and Annabelle being goofy. I seriously can't get a good picture of the two together. Ava is always trying to play mommy by hugging Annabelle just a little too hard.
Miss Annabelle hiking.
That's all I have for now. I will try to do better. Hmmm... I know I've said that before :)